Importance of values – Social basis of framing curriculum in education

by Yuvi - January 16, 2021

Importance of values – any 2 values

Values control man’s animal impulses through worthy interests, noble sentiments and lofty ideals. They are the bases for individual, social, spiritual development and well-being of all.

The chief objective of Value Education is internal and external character formation.

Values are important for –

  • Individual Life – To have a sound personal life.
  • Familial Life – To have congenial relationships and foster lover, respect and cooperation
  • Love for the environment – Protecting and preserving it for the welfare of all.
  • Social significance – Nourishing proper attitudes for civic sense and social responsibilities.
  • Responsible Citizenship – To ensure and uphold the success of democracy.
  • Teaching of core elements – Values are the underlying principles governing core elements.

The 10 Values –

  • Patriotism
  • National Integrity
  • Tolerance towards All Religions
  • Gender Equality
  • Dignity of Labour
  • Scientific Attitude
  • Modesty
  • Sensitivity
  • Punctuality
  • Neatness


It is a doctrine of affection and pride about one’s nation and all that belongs to the nation such as cultures, festivals, emblems, folk dances, etc. A patriot is one to defend the rights of his nation and fights for freedom and justice.

National Integrity

It is rising above one’s community, religion, language, region, caste and creed and building a feeling of oneness and unity, harmony and brotherhood.

Tolerance towards all religions

It stems in the ideal of secularism that all religions can practice and preach their faith. And we must show  respect, tolerance and equanimity to all religions. We must not divide the nation on communal and religious grounds.

Gender Equality

We must propagate that men and women are equal and complement of each other and there should be no discrimination between the two on personal or professional grounds. Also to do away with traditional social evils such as the dowry system, child marriage, polygamy, etc.

Dignity of Labour

It is the tendency to consider all socially useful work to be valuable and significant, no matter how menial and repulsive it may appear. It is the noble-mindedness to have respect and regard for every labourer who sweats for the society.

Scientific Attitude

This value aims to develop the ability in us to think rationally, objectively and scientifically and adjust to new circumstances and not just go by blind belief and superstition. Having a scientific attitude also leads to new discoveries and innovations for the benefit and progress of society.


Modesty is all about humility. It is the giving up of pride. It is the ability to realize one’s own worth as well as the worth of another and accord the due respect the other person deserves. Modesty is eradication of boastfulness or self-promotion. Modesty is the ability to treat another with as much respect as one has for one’s own self and achievements.


Sensitivity is our reactive or responsive behaviour based on our ideas, thoughts, conceptions, experiences, etc. Sensitivity is the ability to react in a morally, ethically and socially desirable manner to life’s varying circumstances.


Time waits for no one and it is the only resource that is available in equal measure both to the King as well as the Pauper. Hence Punctuality stresses upon the value and importance of time. It is the observance of the appointed time. It is the realization that each person’s time is as valuable as our own.


Neatness is proper and decent behavior at personal, familial and social levels. It includes proper habits for personal and social cleanliness and preservation and careful use of amenities. It is ultimately related to the sense of beauty. It also reflects simplicity.

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