Percentage Calculator

by Yogi P - September 18, 2023

Percentage Calculator

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Percentage Calculator: Making Life Simpler


A percentage calculator is an online tool that can help you calculate percentages quickly and easily. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as calculating discounts, calculating tips, or calculating the percentage of a number.

To use a percentage calculator, simply enter the number you want to calculate the percentage of and the percentage you want to calculate, and the calculator will return the result.

For example, if you want to calculate a 10% discount on a INR 100 item, you would enter 100 into the first field and 10 into the second field. The calculator would then return the result, which is INR 10.

Percentage calculators can be very useful for a variety of tasks. Here are just a few examples:

  • Calculating discounts: You can use a percentage calculator to calculate discounts on items that you are purchasing. This can help you to save money on your purchases.
  • Calculating tips: You can use a percentage calculator to calculate tips for waiters, waitresses, and other service personnel. This is a good way to show your appreciation for their service.
  • Calculating percentages of a number: You can use a percentage calculator to calculate the percentage of a number. This can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as calculating the percentage of students in a class who passed a test or calculating the percentage of a company’s profits that came from a particular product.

Benefits of using a percentage calculator

  • Speed and accuracy: Percentage calculators can calculate percentages quickly and accurately. This is especially useful if you need to calculate percentages for a large number of numbers.
  • Ease of use: Percentage calculators are easy to use. All you need to do is enter the number you want to calculate the percentage of and the percentage you want to calculate, and the calculator will return the result.
  • Versatility: Percentage calculators can be used for a variety of tasks, such as calculating discounts, calculating tips, and calculating percentages of a number.
  • Efficiency: Calculating percentages manually, especially for complex numbers, can be time-consuming. A percentage calculator swiftly provides results, ensuring accuracy.
  • Error-Free Calculations: Human errors, especially in repetitive calculations, are common. With a digital calculator, the chances of making a mistake are minimal.

If you need to calculate percentages quickly and easily, then a percentage calculator is a great tool to use.

Understanding Percentages

Before diving into the calculator, it’s essential to grasp what a percentage is. In simple terms, a percentage denotes a number as a fraction of 100. For instance, 25% represents 25 out of 100, or simply one-quarter.

How Does a Percentage Calculator Work?

A basic percentage calculator will typically have a user-friendly interface requiring inputs like:

  • Value: The main number you’re working with.
  • Percentage: The percentage by which you want to increase, decrease, or find of the value.

Once the necessary values are inputted, the calculator will swiftly provide the result based on the operation chosen.


  1. Discount Calculation: You bought a jacket priced at INR 100, and there’s a 15% off sale. How much do you pay?Input the original price (INR 100) and the discount percentage (15). The calculator will instantly tell you that your discount is INR 15, making your purchase price INR 85.
  2. Loan Interest: You took a loan of INR 5000 at an interest rate of 4%. How much interest will you pay in a year? Inputting these values will quickly let you know that you’ll be paying INR 200 as interest.

In an era where time is of the essence and accuracy is paramount, having tools like a percentage calculator can be immensely beneficial. Not only does it streamline your calculations, but it also ensures you’re getting the right numbers every time. So, the next time you’re faced with a percentage-related challenge, remember that there’s a tool designed to make your life simpler.

So now do you know what is percentage?

A percentage is just a way to show a number as a part out of 100. When we say “percentage,” we’re basically asking, “How many out of 100?” We use the symbol “%” to show it. For example, 35% means 35 out of 100.

If you’ve got 25 boys in a class of 50 students, then half of the class, or 50%, are boys. Here’s a simple way to see it:

25 (boys) divided by 50 (total students) = 0.5. And 0.5 is the same as 50% when you think about “out of 100.”

How Do We Work With Percentages?

There’s a basic formula: P x V1 = V2

  • P is the percentage.
  • V1 is a number we want to find the percentage of.
  • V2 is the answer we get.

For example, if we want to find 5% of 30, we multiply:

5% (or 0.05 as a decimal) x 30 = 1.5

What About Finding Differences in Percentages?

Sometimes, we want to know how much something has increased or decreased in percentage.

Percentage Difference: If you want to compare the difference between two numbers, use: (Difference between the two numbers) divided by (Average of the two numbers) x 100.

Let’s see with numbers: If you’re comparing 10 and 6

Difference between the two numbers = (10-6) = 4

Average of the two numbers = (10 + 6)/2 = 8

Now when we do the calculation as mentioned above we will get  = ( 4 / 8 ) x 100 = 0.5 x 100 = 50%

Percentage Change: If you want to know how much a number has increased or decreased, here’s a way:

To increase a number by a percentage, multiply the number by (1 + that percentage in decimal). Example: To increase 500 by 10%, multiply 500 by 1.10, which gives 550.

To decrease, use (1 – the percentage). Example: To decrease 500 by 10%, multiply 500 by 0.90, which gives 450.

Applications for Students

  1. Grading: Want to quickly determine where your percentage grade stands after a test? A calculator can help.
  2. Practical Experiments: For science students conducting experiments, calculating percentage differences can be crucial.
  3. Financial Maths: For commerce students, determine profit, loss, or interest rates efficiently.
  4. Data Analysis: When dealing with large sets of data, finding out percentage growth or decline can provide quick insights.

Examples Tailored for You

  1. Grade Calculation: Your total score for the year is out of 500 marks, and you scored 375. What’s your percentage?Input the total marks (500) and the marks scored (375). The calculator reveals you’ve secured 75%.
  2. Experiment Results: Imagine you expected a 20% yield in a chemistry experiment but only achieved a 15% yield. To find the percentage error, input the expected and achieved values to get the difference.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on Percentage Calculator
What can a percentage calculator help you determine?
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