Educational Implications of Social Development

by Yuvi - November 14, 2020

B.Ed First Year Notes English Medium

Educational Implications of Social Development

(a) Social growth:
The social growth of children is a significant process.
This growth is too important to be ignored by the teacher and the parents Children’s social development affects their whole life, including their scholastic achievement. Hence the school should try to provide adequate opportunities that are deemed to be favorable to the social growth of the children.

It should create a healthy atmosphere in and outside the classroom. The children will feel it convenient and desirable to develop satisfying social relations with others.

(b) Feeling of security:
A class teacher should aim at promoting a feeling o security in the minds of children. Each student should be helped to develop healthy and desirable relations with classmates. He should be inspired to participate in group activities in and out of the classroom.

(c) Knowledge full of utility:
Education should develop in the student useful knowledge, skills, and habits for successful and effective social living. It is desirable for the teacher to import knowledge in an interesting and stimulating manner

(d) Form of knowledge:
Merely bookish stuff is not enough. Instead of it, the teacher should bring out the social and cultural implications of the various subjects taught in the classroom.

(e) Training:
In the same way the training of a student in a particular field is also socially essential. Students must be motivated to take interest in a practical scientific mechanical as technical subject. Consequently they will develop a taste for mastering useful skills in a particular practical subject.
Such mastery and the allied technical skills are economically paying and socially very helpful. It helps a student in making and maintaining desirable social relations throughout adult life. A teacher should keep in mind this fact.

(f) Inculcation of Habits:
In a school, a student is able to acquire socially desirable habits and attitudes. It is observed that different children react differently to the same classroom situation. Individual attention should be paid to guide children effectively.

(i) The aggressive children must be taught the art of submission.
(ii) The sky children be given opportunities for self-assertion.
(iii) The delinquent child should be introduced to the desirability of respecting the law.

If the above said opportunities are forthcoming the child will have chance to develop into a socially healthy adult.

(g) Activities:
There should be adequate provision of wider socio-cu/traffic activities. Teachers should stimulate children to develop a keen interest in hobbies and in indoor and outdoor recreation. In this connection it is found that group play and other organized recreational activities play a vital role in the child’s development.
Through these recreational activities the child’s makes contacts with other children, student learns to abide by the rules of the game, i.e. is trained in the art getting along with others cheerfully. The students should be given the kinds of cultural and recreational programme which are est. suited to their development level.

h) Organizations:
The clubs, camps, group and societies should be organized for maintaining the social health of children. There should be provision of mall literary and social groups, screening of educational films, drama, clubs, of scout groups, Girl Guide groups, camp fires, etc. These things gave wholesome social diet for school children.

i) Guidance:
However activities of these organizations should not be entirely it he hands of children themselves. Instead there should be judicious guidance, advice and direction of the programme by the teacher. However sufficient liberty and freedom should be given to children to manage these group organizations. It will give them great pleasure and satisfy their desire to direct their own affairs.

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