Problems of Discipline

by Yuvi - November 20, 2020

Q. Problems of Discipline

Indiscipline can be broadly stated as a loss of idealism in the society .
With no proper leadership or direction shown by teachers and with flaws and drawbacks in the prevalent education system, problems of discipline occur due to various reasons such as unsuitable environment, faulty class structure, overcrowded classes, poor value education, no quality time in family, etc. and their various forms are –
1) Rude behavior, discourtesy and disrespect for rules, staff and school authorities.
2) Being noisy and disturbing others by way of unruly conduct.
3) Not completing assigned tasks.
4) Bullying peers or juniors.
5) Disruptive behavior and Damaging or spoiling school or students’ property.
6) Back-answering and use of abusive language.
7) Indulging in and instigating others in wrongful activities like stealing, going on strikes, supplying drugs, bunking school, fighting on the streets, eve-teasing, copying in exams, etc.
Thus to eradicate this problem we must train quality teachers who have true love and concern for the children and who will lead through example.

Q. What measures would you suggest to maintain discipline in your school?

Good discipline is both a cause and a consequence of the successful functioning of a school and can be ensured as follows –
1) Effective teamwork – Effective team work is the key to sound disciplinary policies. Teamwork between the principal and staff, amongst teachers, between teachers and pupils, pupils and pupils, etc and the proper distribution of responsibilities will help to achieve the desired end.
2) Good school traditions – The school seniors following good discipline get used to it as a natural way of life and the juniors automatically imitate and follow their example and thus such a tradition of the school continues.
3) Suitable programme of activities – “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” The vitality and youthfulness of the students should be directed into fruitful channels of activity so they are gainfully employed and do not resort to indiscipline.
4) Good and well-planned infrastructure – Airy classrooms, proper lighting, clean surroundings, good sanitary facilities leave little scope for irritation and create a healthy and invigorating atmosphere that keeps children away from mischief.
5) Well-conducted school assemblies – Assemblies at the altar of the school promote school loyalty, a sense of belonging and “esprit de corps” and foster unity and oneness amongst the students.
6) Well-planned school work – A complete work plan before the session starts will avoid all forms of delay and confusion in the classrooms.
7) Personal contact – A teacher’s personal touch, tact and wit will divert the attention of any tantrum-throwing child into a purposeful activity.
8) Unified discipline policy – One discipline policy should apply to all members of the school plant and all should be well-versed with the disciplinary policies, including parents.

Thus regulating discipline in schools is not a far-fetched theory but a fully implementable practice.

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