General tips for planning CCE in an inclusive Classroom

by Yuvi - March 20, 2021

General tips for planning Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) in an inclusive Classroom

While planning your lesson and especially for Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), remember that assessment occurs throughout the teaching of a lesson. This allows the teacher, to recognise and plan the following steps in teaching of the topic. Assessment at the end of your teaching of the lesson helps teacher to understand how far his lesson and teaching objectives are realised.

Some suggestions for planning Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) of a student with impairments in the inclusive classroom are below:

In a mixed ability group encourage varied responses for a question and give clear instructions and pause after asking a question to give adequate time to respond. We must remember that activities done for explaining the content can be used again for assessment.

Following are some general suggestions for this:

Allow flexibility in choosing answers, for instance, recognition and identification rather than recall, colouring the correct answer, cut and paste, matching, pointing the odd one out.


Some example

− for responses requiring auditory processing, accept responses in monosyllables.

− replace tracing of alphabet activities in the textbook exercises with cut-outs of alphabets allowing the student to explore the contour and shape of an alphabet more closely.

− alternatively allow students with speech processing delays to demonstrate learning by use of pictures or stamps, for example, in evaluating a student’s ability to identify key vocabulary work discussed in a lesson –

− allow the student to point to picture as demonstration of learning.

Use flash cards, word cards to introduce words or to construct a grammatically correct sentence, pictures, real objects, to get response rather than only written or verbal response.

Objective type questions or multiple choice questions can be asked by breaking longer questions into smaller parts.

Assessment can be carried out individually or in small groups. Group activities can help assessing child’s all round development, and peer support can be utilised whenever required. For example, arrange a play based on a story and assess the child on the basis of involvement and enactment. Ensure participation of all children or make small groups.

Children with attention problems can be assessed in steps by breaking down the content.

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