Meaning of Mass Media

by Yuvi - November 15, 2020

What is mass media and impact of Media on childhood and growing up:

Meaning of Mass Media

A mass medium may be defined as any means, agency or instrument through which ideas, attitudes, impressions or images are simultaneously communicated to a large number of people. Such media forms include not only the print and electronic forms such as newspaper, magazines, radio, television, films etc. but also a wide range of other forms such as comics, drama, puppet shows, graffiti and music.

Mass Media as Non-formal Agency of Education

Mass Media are a popular non-formal agency of education. Although the mass media have been widely utilized in adult education, development activities, agriculture and family planning, yet their use for formal education, that is, for primary, secondary or tertiary education has hardly been systematic or effective.
John Dewey stated that education could not be limited within teacher and taught without social environment. So mass media is one such potent force in the social environment of education. Through modern electronic techniques and technologies, mass media prove that education is, really comprehensive not confined within four walls of the classroom.

Print Media


A newspaper is a complex package of news, comment, information and entertainment, and the combination of these contents varies from paper to paper. Most people choose their daily paper to match their specific tastes, and individual newspapers have developed in different ways to provide for these

The educational functions of Newspaper
1. Current Events Study and its analysis:

News-paper describes and analysis current events of national, international and local importance. It presents socio-political and economic news with details to develop an insight into the matter among the readers.

2. Vocational Knowledge:

Newspapers bring out information about the job opportunity, discussion about production and consumption of wealth notices, advertisement of public and private sectors, rate of commodities and other valuable information.

3. Development of Socio-Political Consciousness:

The educative role of newspaper is to bring about proper knowledge and the socio-political awareness among the students. Articles related to education are also published to make the people/reader’s knowledge up to date.
Newspaper is a powerful means to bring socio-political change and ensure better understanding of students about their rights and duties as citizens and act as the public platform to express views.


There was a ‘Magazine boom” in India in 1980s. Magazine publication grew in both English and major Indian languages. The trend started with the launch of India Today in mid- seventies and the new look of Illustrated Weekly of India under the editorship of Khushwant Singh.
Magazines appeal to an expanding range of reading tastes and interests. They are designed for homogeneous or special interest groups. Despite their design for special groups, they developed as a mass medium because they appeal to large numbers in a national market that cut across social, economic and educational class lines.

Electronic Media

Electronic media is the kind of media which requires the user to utilize an electric connection to access it. It is also known as ‘Broadcast Media’. It includes television, radio, and new-age media like Internet, computers, telephones, etc.
Television: Television appeals both the auditory and visual senses, and hence is an important communication device as it beholds the attention of the audience
Radio: Radio has a significant reach. Radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But till day, radio remains one of the favourite means of electronic communication.

Role of Radio in enhancing Education

Radio is a scientific device that functions as an effective auditory instrument for communication. It also plays an important role in education. It is not only informs, but also inspires human being for learning more and more. It is not only includes values and virtues, but also creates attitudes, interests and appreciation of human life.

The Educational Functions of Radio
1. Quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement of education:

Radio is to play a significant part in expansion as well as qualitative improvement of education. There are some inaccessible areas in our country where expansion of education has faced difficulties. To a large number of socially disadvantaged children, education is neither meaningful nor interesting.

2. Fostering the sense of National Integration and International Understanding:

Radio is an important instrument to foster the sense of unity and integrity among the students. The cultural programmes, debates, talks, through broadcasts involve a strong desire among the students to know each and other’s culture and values.

3. Entertainment:

Entertainment is an important aspect of human life. Radio is the most popular mass medium through which leisure is carefully utilized through song, drama and other cultural, programmes.

4. Vocational Education:

Vocational information about production and consumption practices in industry and agriculture, use of manures and highbred seed, employment news are broadcast by Radio.
The role of radio in shaping the society and providing information and education is significant. Educational broadcasting is also useful for improving education and for enrichment purposes.

Social Media

Blogging: A blog is a space on the Internet where a single person or a group of people record their information, opinions, photos, videos, etc. It is an interesting and free platform to talk about any topic. Interaction happens in the form of comments or feedback.

Facebook: It is the most popular social networking website. Facebook has several applications which people utilize. It is the best platform to meet old friends, or make new ones. Advertisers also like this forum for communicating about their products.

Twitter: It is also a famous social networking website. Twitter is a micro blogging site which allows interaction and feedback of different people. There was a time when it was very popular among celebrities and individuals. Today, the governments of various nations have understood the importance of “tweeting” information to the public, and regularly share information through Twitter.

YouTube: It is a website which uploads content in a video format. It houses a range of interesting videos that appeal to people of all generations. From films to educational videos, you will find everything on YouTube.

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