Jurisprudential Inquiry Model

by Yuvi - November 10, 2021

What is Jurisprudential Inquiry Model ?

(Learning to think about social policy).


Social values legitimately conflict with one another.

Negotiations of Difference can help to resolve complex and controversial issues.

A skilful citizen is like a competent judge. He/She listens to the evidence, analyses the legal positions taken by both sides, weighs these positions and the evidence assess the meaning provisions of the law and finally make the best possible decision.

To play the role; three types of competencies are required:.

(1) Familiarity with values.

(2) Skills for clarifying and resolving issues.

(3) Knowledge of contemporary political and public issues.


Phase One: Orientation to the case.

_ Teacher introduces materials.

_ Teacher review facts.

Phase Two: Identify the issues.

_ Students synthesise facts into policy issues.

_ Students select one policy issue for discussion.

_ Students identify values and value conflicts.

_ Students recognise underlying factual and definitional questions.

Phase Three: Taking positions.

_ Students articulate a position.

_ Students state basis of position in terms of social value and consequences of decisions.

Phase Four: Exploring the instance(s), patterns of argumentation.

_ Establish the point at which the value is violated.

_ Provide the desirable or undesirable consequences.

_ Clarify one value conflict with analogies.

_ Set priorities Assert priority of one value over another.

Phase Five: Refining and qualifying the position.

_ Students state positions and reasons for positions and examine number of similar situations.

_ Students quality positions.

Phase Six: Testing factual assumptions behind qualified positions.

_ Identify factual assumptions and determine if they are relevant.

_ determine the predicted consequences and examine their factual validity (will they actually occur).

The six phases of JIM can be divided into:.

Analysis (Phases 1, 2, 3).

Argumentation (Phases 4, 5, 6).

Social System – 

Teacher begins the task and then students take over. The social climate is vigorous and abrasive but in a non threatening manner.

Principles of reaction – 

(1) Maintain a vigorous intellectual climate.

(2) Respect all views and avoid direct evaluation of student opinions.

(3) See that issues are thoroughly explored.

(4) Probe for relevance, consistency, specificity, generality, definitional clarity and continuity.

(5) Avoid taking a stand.

(6) Maintain dialectical style.

Support System – 

Sourced documents that focus on a problem situation.

Effects of  Jurisprudential Inquiry Model.

Instructional effects.

Nurturant effects.

Jurisprudential Inquiry Model (JIM).

Framework for analysing Social issues.

Ability to assume the role of the ‘Other’.

Competence in social dialogue.

Empathy/Pluralism (having respect for different opinion .

Facts about social problems.

Capacity for social involvement and desire for social action .

Educational implications – 

The findings of the study reveal that Jurisprudential Inquiry Model of teaching was having direct bearing on the improvement in competency in Social dialogue of the students belonging to different levels of intelligence and socio-economic status.

It has an implication that this method of teaching may be adopted by the teachers if they wish to improve the Competence in Social dialogue of the students which is most desirable in this competitive world for the adjustment in the society throughout life.

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