Difference between each other and one another

by Yogi P - October 19, 2023

The Difference Between Each Other and One Another

Do you ever find yourself questioning the distinction between the frequently used phrases each other and one another? If so, you’re not alone. Although their usage appears similar, conjuring up similar imagery in our minds, there is indeed a subtle distinction between each other and one another.

Each Other

The phrase each other is used to refer to two people or things. It is a two-way relationship, involving an exchange or reciprocal action between two individuals or things. As a conjunction, it showcases how two entities interact with each other. Each other’s usages also include adverb and pronoun.

Examples of each other’s usage as a pronoun are “We need to trust each other” and “Friends should treat each other with respect.”

One Another

The phrase one another refers to more than two people or things, and is used to describe a reciprocal action or feeling between three or more people or things. It highlights mutual interaction within a group, and the interaction of each entity with the other entities in the group.

Common examples of one another’s usages include “The teachers supported one another throughout the difficult times” and “The siblings hugged one another before parting ways.”

Difference between Each Other and One Another – Meaning and Usage:

The difference between each other and one another can be summarized in the following table:

Word Each Other One Another
Meaning/Usage Used to refer to two people or things Refers exclusively to three or more people or things
Example The friends appreciated each other. The team was cheering on one another.

When deciding between each other and one another, it is essential to remember that each other is only used for two entities, while one another is used for three or more.

Quick overview of differences between each other and one another

Aspect Each Other One Another
Reciprocity “Each other” is more commonly used when referring to two individuals or entities reciprocally interacting or affecting one another. “One another” is often used when referring to more than two individuals or entities reciprocally interacting or affecting each other.
Quantity “Each other” specifically refers to the reciprocal relationship between two items or individuals. “One another” encompasses a reciprocal relationship involving more than two items or individuals.
Usage – They love each other. (referring to a reciprocal relationship between two people) – The two teams respect each other. (reciprocal interaction between two entities) – The members of the committee support one another. (referring to multiple individuals supporting each other) – The animals in the ecosystem rely on one another. (reciprocal relationships among multiple entities)
Formality “Each other” is more commonly used in everyday language. “One another” can be considered slightly more formal and may be preferred in formal writing or speech.

Activity to Enhance Understanding:

To better understand the usage of each other and one another, try to pick out the two words from any text you come across.

For instance, when reading a book, try to identify the sentences that contain each other or one another. Are they used correctly? What other words are present in the sentence?This activity is insightful in terms of recognizing when to apply each of these phrases.


In conclusion, the phrase each other is used to refer to two people or things, whereas one another is used to refer to three or more people or things. It is important to remember to use each word in the correct context, in order to avoid confusion and create clarity in communication.

Through practice and understanding the distinctions between each other and one another, it is possible to wield them both properly.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on Difference between each other and one another
What is the primary distinction between "each other" and "one another"?
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