The Role of a Teacher school in Facilitating Development of Children

by Yuvi - November 14, 2020

Role of a Teacher and school in Facilitating Development of Children

The teacher or the school has a major role in facilitating the overall development of children once they are enrolled in the school.

Educational Implications of Physical Development:

The bodily or physical health of children is indispensable for their success and efficiency in all fields of life. The psychologists have reiterated that this aspect of development should be paid the attention by all those persons who deal with the education and welfare of the children.

For this purpose, the school must have a regular programme of health education. Adequate facilities for liberal
Participation in sport and games and other physical exercises appropriate to the level of growth should be provided to the students.

We should give them practical information concerning physical growth, personal hygiene, food habits, etc. It is hoped that a brief, interesting and easily understandable task, introducing them to various development stages, would certainly help them to form a correct picture in their own minds regarding their own changing selves and their roles in life.

This may also serve as safeguard against the possibility of their developing irrational worries regarding abrupt development taking place in their bodies. A teacher can successfully accomplish this task if he has a sound knowledge of the physical development of children.

With the increased rate of physical change consequent to the transition from one phase of development to another, their behavior and attitudes are also bound to change. We realize the varying treatment, suitable to the physical growth level, is needed by children.

It is found that the upper primary, secondary and senior secondary students are very tender physically. This is the reason why they need affection and tender treatment in the classroom. Developing children must not be rashly stuffed with bookish learning.

Instead of it, their educational programme should include a combination of varied activities in and out of the classroom. Adolescents are in need of sympathetic understanding and friendliness. They are often found clumsy, awkward, aggressive and often violent.

Jet must be remembered that physical health is the basis of all development. The all-round and healthy development of children is exceedingly dependent upon healthy physical growth. Children who have a feeling that they are physically fit are favorably affected by this internal picturing of themselves.

They are most likely to develop confidence and a will to improve further. On the other hand, children suffering from a feeling that there is something wrong somewhere in their bodies have less chance to approach life confidently and to make any substantial achievement.

A teacher should therefore make efforts to promote a sense of well-being in the children by developing an interest among them in the physical culture programmers of the school. He should promote the development of positive and healthy feelings in children regarding the present state of their physical health.

Taking care of physical health of the children at the school leave is the first and foremost function of the physical health instructor and the gymnastics and sports teacher.

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