What is difference between under and beneath

by Yogi P - October 20, 2023

Understanding the Difference Between Under and Beneath

If you’ve ever been unsure about the difference between ‘under‘ and ‘beneath‘, you’ve come to the right place. Both can be used in a variety of contexts, but it’s important to know when to use each one.

This article will provide definitions and examples of both words, as well as a comparison chart to illustrate their distinct usages.


Under is a preposition that can be used as both a conjunction and an adverb. It has multiple meanings depending on how it is used.

  • When used as a preposition, it means lower in position than something else or covered by something else.
  • When used as a conjunction, it means in the time, at the same time, or during the period when something else is happening.
  • When used as an adverb, it means in or to a lower position than something else.


Beneath is a preposition that is used in a similar fashion to the word ‘under‘, with a slight difference. While ‘under‘ can be used to either refer to position or time, ‘beneath‘ is only used to refer to the physical studies of position. It means lower or in a lower position than something else. It cannot be used to refer to time.

Comparing Under and Beneath

Word Under Beneath
Meaning Lower in position or during the period Lower in position
Usage Conjunction, adverb, and preposition Preposition only
Example The sun is setting under the horizon. The mountain peak is beneath the clouds.

As demonstrated in the table, ‘under‘ and ‘beneath‘ have distinct meanings and usages. To understand when to use them accurately, let’s examine a few examples.

  • The clothes are piled under the bed.
  • The car was parked beneath the tree.
  • The poster hung under the mural.
  • The cat lay beneath the chair.

When used in the above sentences, both ‘under‘ and ‘beneath’ refer to the position of the items in relation to other objects. As you can see, ‘under‘ can be used to refer to both position and time, whereas ‘beneath‘ can only be used to refer to position.

Quick overview of difference between “under” and “beneath”

Aspect Under Beneath
Definition Located or situated directly below something Located or situated at a lower level or beneath something
Usage Commonly used in everyday language Slightly more formal or poetic usage
Example The book is under the table. The treasure lies beneath the ocean’s surface.
Formality Informal and commonly used in daily speech Slightly more formal and may be used in literature or poetic contexts
Synonyms Below, underneath, beneath, beneath the surface Below, underneath, beneath
Prepositions “Under” can stand alone as a preposition “Beneath” is often used in phrases like “beneath the surface” or “beneath the ground”

Activity to Enhance Understanding

To practice using these words in context, readers can read sentences from stories or newspapers, analyzing how these words are being employed.

For example, let’s consider the sentence “The tree’s shade cast a cool blanket under the picnic table.” Here, the preposition ‘under’ is used to refer to the position of the blanket in relation to the picnic table.


In conclusion, it’s important to remember the differences between ‘under‘ and ‘beneath‘. By understanding their distinct uses, you can be sure to express yourself accurately and communicate precisely.

If you ever find yourself unsure of which one to use, consider the context of the sentence and the relationship of the objects you are describing.

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What part of speech is "under"?
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