What is difference between everyone and everybody

by Yogi P - November 2, 2023

Difference between everyone and everybody | Everyone vs Everybody

The English language is rife with subtle distinctions between similar words, and this can be confusing for those learning the language. Two such words are everyone and everybody, whose definitions and usages are often confused.

In order to represent the differences between these two words, and to improve one’s ability to use them correctly, this article will explore the various meanings and usages of each word.


The word everyone is a pronoun and is the plural of the pronoun everyone. Its primary definition is a collective term for all people in a particular group. This is the most common usage of everyone, as an all-encompassing reference to all the members of a group.

For example – you could say “Everyone is here”, meaning every person in the group is present.

As an adverb, everyone is used to emphasize that a particular action has been taken by the whole group.

For example – you could say “Everyone went home early”, meaning every person in the group left early.


The word everybody is a pronoun and is the singular of the pronoun everyone. Its primary definition is a collective term for all the people in a particular group, although the term everybody, being singular, implies that a separate individual is being referred to. This is the most common usage of everybody, as an all-encompassing reference to all the members of a group.

For example – you could say “Everybody is here”, meaning every person in the group is present.

As an adverb, everybody is used to emphasize that a particular action has been taken by the whole group.

For example – you could say “Everybody went home early”, meaning every person in the group left early.

Difference between Everyone and Everybody – Meaning and Usage:

The key difference between these two words is that everyone is used as a plural term, and indicates that multiple members of a group are being referred to, while everybody is used as a singular term, and implies that a separate individual is being referred to. Furthermore, everyone is normally used to indicate collective action, while everybody implies individual action.

It is important to keep these distinctions in mind when using either word appropriately.

Examples of Difference between Everyone and Everybody

  • At the party, everyone was dancing. (all members of the group were dancing)
  • At the party, everybody was dancing. (each individual in the group was dancing)
  • Everyone watched the movie in silence. (all members of the group watched the movie in silence)
  • Everybody watched the movie in silence. (each individual watched the movie in silence)

Summarized table highlighting the differences between everyone everybody

Aspect Everyone Everybody
Grammatical Form “Everyone” is a singular pronoun. “Everybody” is a singular pronoun.
Synonyms – “Everybody” is a synonym for “everyone.” – “Everyone” is a synonym for “everybody.”
Usage – “Everyone” is slightly more formal. – “Everybody” is slightly more informal.
Flexibility – “Everyone” may be preferred in more formal or written contexts. – “Everybody” is often used in informal speech or casual writing.
Pronunciation – “Everyone” is pronounced as /ˈevriwʌn/ with three syllables. – “Everybody” is pronounced as /ˈevribɒdi/ with four syllables.

Activity to Enhance Understanding

A great way to improve understanding of these words is to analyze texts for their usage. When reading a sentence, be sure to ask yourself which of these two words is being used and what it contributes to the meaning of the sentence. Once you’ve identified the differences between the two, make a note of them for future reference.


At the end of the day, the key difference between these two words is the distinction between collective and individual action. When in doubt, pause to consider which is being referred to, as using the wrong word could lead to confusion. With that said, being mindful of the subtle differences between these two words is sure to improve your usage of English and make you a stronger communicator.

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