What is difference between migrant and immigrant

by Yogi P - October 27, 2023

Difference between migrant and immigrant

The words migrant and immigrant are often used interchangeably, creating confusion when it comes to their application. Both terms are associated with people who are relocating, but when looked at more closely, the two have distinct definitions and usage.

In this article, we’ll explore the meanings and usages of both words, providing examples to illustrate their proper use in sentences.


The migrant is someone who is moving from one place to another, usually within a country or region, typically for economic reasons. The migrant can maintain a connection to, or intention to return to, their place of origin if the context allows. In contrast, a migrant is not settling in or taking up residence in a new location.

The term migrant is typically used in the context of workers who relocate to a new place temporarily for work purposes, such as a fruit picker or seasonal worker. It has been historically used to refer to people migrating between countries.


The immigrant is someone who is moving to a new country with the intention to settle there permanently or for an extended period of time. The immigrant moves with the aim to make their new environment their home, and assimilate into the culture and customs of the new country. In this context, the person is often called an “immigrant” or “newcomer”.

The word immigrant is often used for people arriving in a country from a different culture or nation, especially in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. An immigrant can become a permanent resident in their new country, or they can stay for a short period of time and then move on.

Table Summarising the Difference between Migrant and Immigrant

Word Migrant Immigrant
Meaning Someone who is moving from one place to another, usually within a country or region, typically for economic reasons. Someone who is moving to a new country with the intention to settle there permanently or for an extended period of time.
Usage Typically used for people migrating between countries, such as seasonal workers. Often used for people arriving in a country from a different culture or nation.
Examples The migrant workers travel from different corners of the country to work on the farms. The immigrants settled in the town, and started to contribute to the local economy.

Summary of the Difference Between Migrant and Immigrant

Migrants are people who move from one place to another, usually within their own country or region, generally for economic reasons. They don’t take up permanent residence and typically maintain some form of connection to their place of origin.

Immigrants, on the other hand, are people who move to a new country with the aim to make it their home, and settle there for an extended period of time.

Examples of Difference between Migrant and Immigrant

Here are some examples that illustrate the proper usage of both words:

  • The camp was filled with migrant workers who had travelled from far away places.
  • The immigrants had to learn the language of the new country so that they can assimilate.
  • The drought caused the migrants to search for better job opportunities elsewhere.
  • The immigrants encountered many obstacles as they made a new life for themselves.

Overview of migrant vs immigrant

Aspect Migrant Immigrant
Definition A “migrant” is a person who moves from one place to another, often within the same country or region. An “immigrant” is a person who moves to a foreign country or region with the intention of settling and residing there.
Movement – “Migrants” typically move in response to various factors, such as work opportunities, seasonal changes, or environmental conditions. – The movement is often temporary or cyclical. – “Immigrants” permanently move to a new country, seeking a long-term or permanent residence. – Their move is intended to establish a new life in the destination country.
Legal Status “Migrants” may not always have a legal or official status in the destination area. “Immigrants” often undergo legal processes, such as obtaining visas or residence permits, to enter and live in the destination country legally.
Examples – Seasonal farm workers moving to different regions for harvesting. – Refugees fleeing a conflict within their home country. – Individuals moving to another country for employment opportunities. – Families relocating to a new country for a better quality of life.
Intent “Migrants” often move for temporary reasons or survival needs. “Immigrants” move with the intent of establishing a permanent life and may seek citizenship in the destination country.
Usage – “Migrant” is a broader term that encompasses various forms of internal and cross-border movement. – It can refer to people who move within a country or across international borders. – “Immigrant” specifically refers to individuals who move to a foreign country with the intention of residing there. – It is often associated with the process of immigration and settlement.

Activity to Enhance Understanding

To help understand the difference between migrant and immigrant, readers can try to identify how these words are used in sentences. Start by reading newspaper articles, stories, and other pieces of writing. Then look for occasions when words such as migrant and immigrant appear.

This will give you a better understanding of how these terms are applied in different contexts.


To sum it up, migrants are people who are moving within their own region or country, often for economic reasons and without a plan to settle in the new place permanently. Immigrants, on the other hand, are people who move to another country and settle there for an extended period of time.

It is important to use these words accurately in order to accurately describe one’s circumstances.

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What is the primary distinction between a "migrant" and an "immigrant"?
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