What is difference between spend and spent

by Yogi P - October 26, 2023

Difference between spend and spent

Every now and then, English language learners get confused when it comes to spending and spending. Spend and spent are two different verbs with their own meanings and usages. Knowing when to use which word can be made easier with practice and proper guidance.

Spend meaning

The verb spend means to pay, use, or give something for something else, or to use time doing something. In the present tense, and in all forms of the continuous tense, spend is used with an object:

  • She spends money at the mall.
  • He spends hours on the phone.
  • I am spending the day at the beach.

Spent meaning

The verb spent means to have used or consumed something, to have used up time, energy, or other resources. It is used in the past and past participle tense:

  • She has spent all her money.
  • He has spent many hours fighting the fire.
  • I spent the day at the beach.

Difference between Spend and Spent – Meaning and Usage:

The main difference between spend and spent is that spend is used to talk about using something at the present time, while spent is used to talk about something that has been used in the past.

Examples of Difference between Spend and Spent:

  • She spends a lot of time studying.
  • She spent an hour studying for the test.
  • I am spending the day at the park.
  • I spent the weekend at the park.
  • She spends a lot of money on clothes.
  • She spent all her money at the stores.

Summarized table highlighting the differences between spend and spent

Aspect Spend Spent
Verb Forms “Spend” is the base form of the verb. “Spent” is the past participle and past tense form of the verb.
Tense “Spend” is used in the present and future tenses. “Spent” is primarily used in the past tense.
Meaning “Spend” typically conveys the act of using, allocating, or consuming resources, time, or money in the present or future. “Spent” is often used to indicate the act of having used, allocated, or consumed resources, time, or money in the past.
Examples – I spend a lot of time reading. (present tense) – She will spend money on the trip. (future tense) – I spent the whole day working on the project. (past tense) – They have spent all their savings. (past tense)
Use “Spend” is used to describe actions or events happening in the present or future. “Spent” is used to describe actions or events that have occurred in the past.
Passive Voice “Spend” can be used in passive voice constructions, but it is less common. “Spent” is not commonly used in passive voice constructions.

Activity To Enhance Understanding:

English language learners can practice using the words spend and spent by writing sentences using the two verbs in different tenses to compare and contrast their meanings. They can use examples from their own lives, or take inspiration from stories they read or watch.

This will help to improve their understanding of the difference between the two verbs.


Knowing when to use spend and spent is essential to proper English language usage. Spend is used to talk about using something at the present time, while spent is used to talk about something that has been used in the past.

With practice and proper guidance, English language learners can become familiar with the differences between these two words, and use them correctly in their own writing.

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What is the main difference between spend and spent?
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