What is difference between over and above

by Yogi P - October 20, 2023

Difference between over and above

When it comes to understanding the nuances of the English language, the distinction between over and above can easily become muddled. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings and usages of both words, providing examples to illustrate their proper use in sentences.


The first word is over, which is defined as a preposition that means “above in position, higher than something else.” It is a basic building block of the English language, and can be used in a variety of ways.

  • As a preposition, it can be used to express “being up, down, or across something” (i.e. She walked over the bridge).
  • It can be used as a adverb to signify “through or across a given place or area” (i.e. The plane flew over the ocean).
  • It’s also used as a conjunction to signify “conclusively or by way of contrast” (i.e. She could not go over her in-laws holiday celebration).


The second word is above, which is defined as a preposition that is similar to over but slightly different in meaning. Generally, it is used to express a higher or superior position when compared to something else. It is also used in several different ways:

  • As a preposition, it can be used to express “being in a level or position that is higher than something else” (i.e. The plane flew above the clouds).
  • It can be used as an adverb to signify “over or higher than something else” (i.e. Jill waved her hand above her head).
  • It is also used as a conjunction to signify a relationship between two ideas (i.e. Making healthy decisions is key to keeping a balanced lifestyle, above all else).

Difference between over and above – Meaning and Usage:

The differences between the words are subtle but important. Generally, over is used to indicate a physical, tangible relationship between two things in space, whereas above is used to indicate a more abstract relationship (i.e. mental, emotional) between two things.

Therefore, when describing physical phenomena or movement, over should be used (i.e. The plane flew over the ocean). On the other hand, when expressing a more figurative or abstract feeling or relationship between two things, above should be used (i.e. The love they shared was above and beyond).

Examples of difference between over and above:

  • The plane flew over the lake.
  • He hopped over the fence with ease.
  • My grandmother’s love was above anything else.
  • Their loyalty was above reproach.
  • The sun was above the horizon.

Quick overview of difference between “over” and “above”

Aspect Over Above
Preposition Typically indicates a spatial position directly higher or covering something Typically indicates a spatial position at a higher level or in an elevated position
Example The plane flew over the mountains. The birds are flying above the clouds.
Usage Commonly used for indicating spatial relationships or crossing a physical boundary Commonly used for indicating a higher level or position
Synonyms On top of, higher than, covering Higher, up, at a higher position
Context Often used to describe objects or things directly covering or extending above something else Often used for positions that are higher or elevated but not necessarily directly covering
Variations “Over” is also used in idiomatic expressions such as “over the moon” or “over the hill.” “Above” is more commonly used in literal descriptions of height or elevation.

Activity to Enhance Understanding:

To better understand the difference between over and above, try to analyze text from a book or article and identify the usage and meaning of both words. Look for context clues that suggest over or above is the more appropriate word for the given sentence.


In conclusion, over and above are two commonly confused words, and although they do share some similarities, they are used differently and have distinct meanings. Over is used in relation to physical, tangible movements, while above is used to denote abstract feelings or relationships between two things.

To better understand their usage, analyze a variety of texts and search for clues that suggest which of the two words is the better choice for the given sentence.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on What is difference between over and above
What part of speech is "above"?
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