What is difference between where and were

by Yogi P - October 17, 2023

Difference Between Where and Were

English can be a tricky language, especially when it comes to words that are often used interchangeably. Take the interesting case of the words “where” and “were.” To the untrained eye, these words may be difficult to distinguish, however, they have entirely different applications and usages.

In this article, we’ll explore the meanings and usages of both words, providing examples to illustrate their proper use in sentences.


Where is an adverb, interrogative pronoun, or a conjunction. An adverb refers to a word that describes an action, situation or occurrence, or modifies the meaning of a verb. An interrogative pronoun is a question pronoun used to ask questions. Conjunction is a word which is used to connect clauses or sentences.

In terms of its meanings, where is used to ask and answer questions related to locations. For example: “Where are you going? I’m going to the store.” Here, “where” is used to ask a question related to the location of the speaker’s destination.


Were is the past tense and past participle of the verb “be” and is used in a variety of well-defined ways. For instance, were is used to describe hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations. For example: “If I were a rich man, I wouldn’t have to work.” Here, the use of were is setting up the contrary-to-fact situation of the speaker being wealthy.

In addition, were is also used in reported speech. For example: “He said he were tired.” Here, the use of were is denoting the past tense.

Quick tabular view for difference between Where and Were

Word Where Were
Meaning Ask and answer questions related to locations Past tense of the verb “be”
Usage Adverb, Interrogative pronoun, Conjunction Hypothetical situations, Reported speech
Examples 1. Where are you going?
2. I am going to the store.
1. If I were a rich man, I wouldn’t have to work.
2. He said he were tired.

Difference between Where and Were – Meaning and Usage

The meaning and usage of the words where and were can be distinguished from one another. Where is used to ask and answer questions related to locations, while were is used to describe hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations or for reported speech.

Where is an adverb, interrogative pronoun, or a conjunction. It is mainly used to ask and answer questions related to locations. On the other hand, were is the past tense of the verb “be” and is used in a variety of well-defined ways. These include hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations or reported speech.

Examples of Difference between Where and Were

Here, we present a series of examples that showcase the correct and incorrect usages of both words.

Correct Usage:

  • Where did you go?
  • If I were a bird, I would fly.

Incorrect Usage:

  • Where did you went?
  • If I was a bird, I would fly.

The first sentence of both sets of examples demonstrate a correct usage. Here, “where” is being used as an interrogative pronoun to ask a question about the location of the speaker. Similarly, in the second sentence, “were” is being used to describe a hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situation.

The first sentence of the incorrect examples showcase an incorrect usage. Whenever asking questions related to locations, the appropriate word would be where, not went. Similarly, in the second sentence, the past tense of the verb “be” is “were”, not “was”.

Activity to Enhance Understanding

To develop an understanding of the appropriate and precise use of where and were, readers might practice by analyzing any text they come across regularly. For example, they could read a daily newspaper and look for usages of both words. This would help them develop an instinct for correctly using these words in sentences.


To conclude, where and were are two words that are often confused. Despite their similar spellings and pronunciations, they have entirely distinct meanings and usages. Where is used to ask and answer questions related to locations.

On the other hand, were is used to describe hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations or for reported speech. To help readers increase their understanding of these words, they could analyze texts to identify their usages in context.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on What is difference between where and were
What part of speech is "where" primarily?
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