What is difference between get and got

by Yogi P - October 26, 2023

Difference between get and got

Confusion between two English words is a reality for many non-native speakers. Such is the case for ‘get’ and ‘got’, two particular words that tend to get mixed up quite often. In this article, we’ll explore the meanings and usages of both words, providing examples to illustrate their proper use in sentences.


The verb ‘get’ is an irregular English verb, which means it can be either get or got depending on the tense. In its base form, it is defined as ‘obtain’. For instance, if you are ‘getting’ something, it simply means you are obtaining or acquiring it. It is mostly used when referring to tangible items or intangible concepts.

Example 1: I need to go to the store and get something to eat.

In the above example, ‘get’ is being used in its base form (present tense) to refer to the speaker’s need to obtain food from the store.

Example 2: I got a book for my birthday.

In the context of the second example, ‘got’ is being used in its past tense form (i.e. ‘got’) to refer to the speaker obtaining a book for his/her birthday. Both ‘get’ and ‘got’ can be used in this context, though ‘got’ is more common.


The verb ‘got’ is the past tense form of the verb ‘get’, and thus carries the same meanings as the verb ‘get’ but in the past tense. It suggests that the speaker has obtained or acquired something in the past. Often, ‘got’ is used to talk about a possession or an ownership.

Example 1: I got a new bicycle last week.

In this example, the speaker is referring to his/her possession of a new bicycle in the past – suggesting that he/she has already obtained/acquired it.

Example 2: We’ve got to finish this project by tomorrow.

Using ‘got’ in this example suggests that the speaker is using the term as an adverb, asserting the urgency of the project’s completion.

Table Summarising the difference between get and got

Word Get Got
Meaning In its base form, it is defined as ‘obtain’. The past tense form of the verb ‘get’.
Usage Used to refer to the present tense of obtaining something. Used to refer to the past tense of obtaining something.
Examples I need to go to the store and get something to eat. I got a book for my birthday.

Difference between get and got – Meaning and Usage:

As summarized in the table above, the two words carry different meanings and usages. ‘Get’ is used to refer to the present tense of obtaining something, while ‘got’ is used to refer to the past tense of obtaining something. To better understand the difference, some situations where each of the words are used appropriately are highlighted below.

Example 1: I need to get a new phone.

In this example, ‘get’ is being used to refer to the speaker’s need to obtain a new phone now (instead of in the past).

Example 2: I got my new laptop yesterday.

In this case, ‘got’ is being used to refer to the speaker’s acquisition of a new laptop in the past.

Examples of Difference between get and got:

Here is a list of examples that edge readers closer to mastering the proper use of ‘get’ and ‘got’ in sentences:

  • I have to get some groceries before I come home.
  • I bought a cat, so I’ve got a pet now.
  • We’re going to get this task done by tonight.
  • I got my hair cut this morning.

Table highlighting the differences between “get” and “got”:

Aspect Get Got
Verb Forms “Get” is the base form of the verb. “Got” is the past participle and past tense form of the verb.
Tense “Get” is used in the present and future tenses. “Got” is primarily used in the past tense.
Meaning “Get” typically conveys the act of acquiring, obtaining, or fetching something in the present or future. “Got” is often used to indicate the act of acquiring or obtaining something in the past.
Examples – I need to get some groceries. (present tense) – She will get a promotion soon. (future tense) – I got a new phone last week. (past tense) – He got a surprise gift for his birthday. (past tense)
Use “Get” is used to describe actions or events happening in the present or future. “Got” is used to describe actions or events that have occurred in the past.
Passive Voice “Get” can be used in passive voice constructions. “Got” is not used in passive voice constructions.

Activity to Enhance Understanding:

If you’d like to give readers an individualized activity to practice and master these two words, suggest they read a chapter from a novel or online source and identify which of the two words are used in the sentences. This will allow them to gain a better understanding of how the words are properly used in context.


To conclude, it is important to recognize the subtle differences between ‘get’ and ‘got’. ‘Get’ is used in present tense to refer to the act of obtaining something, while ‘got’ is used in the past tense to suggest that something has already been obtained.

Hopefully this article has provided readers with some tips and examples on how to use these words accurately.

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