What is difference between bath and bathe

by Yogi P - October 20, 2023

Difference between bath and bathe

It is easy to confuse the words bath and bathe, since they both refer to actions associated with water. However, there is an important difference between them that you should be aware of.

Bath is primarily used to refer to an object or container that is filled with water for the purpose of bathing. It is also used to describe the act of filling a container with water for that purpose.

For example:

  • I took a bath in the river.
  • He filled the bath with hot water.

Bathe is primarily used to describe the act of immersing oneself in the water for the purpose of hygiene or relaxation. It is typically used in the context of a bathtub or other body of water, and can be both transitive and intransitive.

For example:

  • I bathed in the sea.
  • He bathed his baby.

It is also possible for the words to be used interchangeably in some contexts.

For example, one can say I took a bath or I bathed without subtly changing the meaning.

Table of Difference between bath and bathe

Word Meaning Usage Example
Bath Container or act of filling a container with water for bathing Noun, verb I took a bath in the river.
Bathe Act of immersing oneself in the water for hygiene or relaxation Transitive or intransitive verb He bathed his baby.

To gain a better sense of how these words are used in the context of real-life conversation, read a few books, newspaper articles, or online articles and take note of any instances where bath and bathe are used.

As you become more familiar with their various meanings, you will be better equipped to choose the right word in any given situation.

Quick overview of bath vs bathe

Aspect Bath Bathe
Noun/Verb Can be both a noun and a verb, referring to a container for washing and the act of washing oneself Primarily a verb, describing the action of washing oneself or another person
Usage Commonly used for referring to the actual vessel (bathtub) or the activity of immersing oneself in water Primarily used for describing the action of washing, whether in a bathtub, shower, or other water source
Example She took a relaxing bath in the bathtub. He likes to bathe in the river during the summer.
Context Used to describe the physical object or place where one washes their body Used to describe the action of washing or cleaning the body, often with water
Synonyms Tub, shower, bathing Wash, cleanse, immerse
Variations “Bath” has variations like “bathroom,” “bathtub,” etc. “Bathe” is often used in phrases like “take a bath,” “bathe in the sea,” etc.


In summary, although bath and bathe are two words that are often confused, they have very distinct meanings. Bath is an object or a verb that describes the act of filling an object with water for the purpose of bathing, while bathe is a verb that describes the act of immersing oneself in water for the purpose of hygiene and relaxation.

It is important to understand the difference between the two so that they can be used appropriately.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on What is difference between bath and bathe
Which of the two words primarily refers to an object or container for bathing?
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