What is difference between safety and security

by Yogi P - October 21, 2023

Safety vs Security

Though similar in meaning, the difference between safety and security lies in how the words are employed in distinct contexts. While safety more generally applies to safeguarding oneself from physical harm, security carries with it an implication of being protected from a range of threats, including both physical or emotional.

Let’s look at their meanings and usages in greater detail, so we can better understand these terms.


Safety refers to the objective of protecting oneself from physical harm. When used as a noun, safety refers to a state of being free from danger or injury.

As an adjective, safety denotes something that is designed to protect one from harm – such as a safety belt.

As a verb, the term means to make secure or safe, as in “Safety your data”.


Unlike safety, which alludes to physical security, security has a broader application and can refer to both physical and emotional safety.

As a noun, security denotes a measure taken to guard against theft, damage, or unauthorized access.

As an adjective, security denotes something that has been designed with the intention of preventing harm or protecting something – such as a security camera.

As a verb, the term implies making sure something is safeguarded or protected, as in “security the premises”.

Table Summarising the Difference between Safety and Security

Word Safety Security
Meaning Protection from physical harm Protection from a range of threats, including physical or emotional
Usage Noun, adjective, verb Noun, adjective, verb
Examples Safety belt, safety your data Security camera, security the premises

Difference between Safety and Security – Meaning and Usage

The difference between safety and security may seem subtle, but it’s worth noting how each word is employed in different contexts. Safety typically relates to physical protection against a broad range of potential threats.

Security, on the other hand, may refer to both physical and emotional safety, although its most common usage connotes measures adopted to prevent theft, damage, or unauthorized access.

It is important to understand the nuances of these terms and be able to select the most appropriate word in different contexts. For instance, consider the phrase “safety concerns”. This could refer to worries about physical harm, for example, if someone is considering taking a job that involves a lot of travel.

“Security concerns”, on the other hand, could mean worries over theft, such as if you’re considering a new home in a less-than-safe part of town.

Knowing when to use each word in the correct context is key to communicating effectively. To use them interchangeably could lead to confusion, misinterpretation, or worse, insult.

Examples of Difference between Safety and Security

Here are a few examples of the distinction between safety and security being used in contexts:

  • We must prioritize safety when traveling on unfamiliar roads.
  • The organisation is ramping up security measures for their upcoming event.
  • The government has implemented safety regulations to protect its citizens.
  • The bank has invested heavily in security technology to protect its customers.
  • The installation of the new safety equipment requires careful attention.
  • Online security is an essential factor to consider when shopping.

Quick overview of Safety vs Security

Aspect Safety Security
Definition The condition of being protected from harm, danger, or risk Measures and practices put in place to protect against threats, risks, and unauthorized access
Focus Concerned with the prevention of accidents, injuries, and harm Concerned with the protection of assets, information, and people from intentional harm or unauthorized access
Example The safety measures at the construction site ensure worker well-being. The security system includes surveillance cameras and access control.
Application Applied to situations involving physical well-being, health, and well-being Applied to situations involving the protection of property, information, and people
Concerns Involves risks, hazards, accidents, and harm prevention Involves threats, breaches, breaches, and protection
Synonyms Well-being, protection, accident prevention Protection, defense, safeguarding, access control
Emphasis Emphasizes the absence of danger and risk Emphasizes the prevention of unauthorized access, threats, and breaches

Activity to Enhance Understanding

To further your understanding of the proper use of safety and security, why not make it a game? Next time you’re reading texts, try identifying which word the author has used in a sentence or paragraph.

You could also take it a step further by coming up with contexts yourself, inserting safety or security, and seeing if you have used the right word.


In conclusion, the terms safety and security have slightly different applications, and we should select the most appropriate word based on the context. Both words refer to the objective of being secured or protected from harm, but safety is more commonly used to allude to physical security, while security can encompass both physical and emotional safety.

Knowing when to use safety and security accurately can be quite helpful for effective communication.

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