Difference between delete and truncate

by Yogi P - November 4, 2023

Difference between delete and truncate | Delete vs. Truncate

In the realm of database management, particularly when dealing with SQL (Structured Query Language), two commonly used commands for removing data are DELETE and TRUNCATE. They serve similar purposes but have distinct differences that can significantly impact database performance and behavior. In this article, we dissect these differences to clarify when to use each command.

Fundamental Differences Between DELETE and TRUNCATE

DELETE is a DML (Data Manipulation Language) command that removes rows one at a time, recording each row deletion in the transaction log, which can then be used to recover the database to a specific point in time.

TRUNCATE, conversely, is a DDL (Data Definition Language) command that removes all rows from a table by deallocating the data pages used by the table, which makes it faster but does not log individual row deletions.

Usage Scenarios: DELETE vs. TRUNCATE

DELETE Command:

  • Selective Removal: DELETE allows for the deletion of specific rows based on a WHERE clause.
  • Transactional Control: Each deletion is logged, enabling transactions to be rolled back.
  • Triggers: DELETE can activate triggers because the operation is logged.


  • Bulk Deletion: TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table quickly and cannot be used with a WHERE clause.
  • Non-Transactional: TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back using transactions in many SQL databases because it does not log individual row deletions.
  • Reset Identity Counters: In some databases, TRUNCATE resets identity counters on tables.

Syntax Comparison

DELETE Syntax:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;


TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;

Performance Considerations


  • Slower for Bulk Operations: Because it logs each row deletion, DELETE is significantly slower for removing large numbers of rows.
  • Resource Intensive: Maintaining the log file for the DELETE action requires additional system resources.


  • Faster Execution: Since TRUNCATE de-allocates entire data pages, it is much faster for removing all the data in a table.
  • Less Resource Usage: TRUNCATE requires fewer system resources as it doesn’t log individual row deletions.

Recovery and Rollback Implications

  • DELETE: Operations can be rolled back if they are enclosed within a transaction (BEGIN TRANSACTION … COMMIT).
  • TRUNCATE: Most implementations of TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back after execution because they do not provide row-level logging.

Overview Table: DELETE vs. TRUNCATE

Criteria DELETE Command TRUNCATE Command
Command Type DML (Data Manipulation Language) DDL (Data Definition Language)
Row Operation Row-by-row deletion Bulk removal, de-allocates data pages
Transaction Log Logs each row deletion Minimally logs page deallocation
Speed Slower due to logging Faster as it removes data pages
WHERE Clause Allows conditional deletion Does not allow conditions; removes all rows
Rollback Possible within a transaction Not possible in many databases
Triggers Can fire triggers Does not fire triggers
Reset Identity Does not reset identity counters Resets identity counters in some databases
Resource Usage Higher due to extensive logging Lower due to minimal logging
Use Case When specific rows need to be deleted When all rows need to be removed quickly and efficiently

Error Handling and Usage Constraints

  • DELETE Errors: Since DELETE operates on rows, foreign key constraints can result in errors if trying to delete rows that are referenced elsewhere.
  • TRUNCATE Restrictions: TRUNCATE may be restricted on tables with certain types of constraints or on tables that are referenced by a FOREIGN KEY in another table.

Practical Examples in SQL


Suppose we have a table called “Orders” and we want to delete orders that were canceled.

DELETE FROM Orders WHERE status = 'Canceled';


If we need to remove all data from a session table called “UserSession” quickly, we would use:


Best Practices

  • DELETE: Ideal for maintaining data integrity when specific data removal is needed, especially where a transaction rollback may be necessary.
  • TRUNCATE: Best used when you need to quickly clear a table completely without the need for a rollback.

Impact on Indexes and Constraints

  • DELETE: All rows are removed one by one, maintaining the integrity of the indexes and constraints throughout the operation.
  • TRUNCATE: Since it de-allocates entire data pages, the associated indexes are also rebuilt or removed, depending on the database system.

Security and Permissions

  • DELETE: Requires DELETE permissions on the table.
  • TRUNCATE: Typically requires ALTER TABLE permissions because it is classified as a DDL operation.


Both DELETE and TRUNCATE are powerful SQL commands used for removing data from databases, but their differences are critical in determining which to use in a given scenario. DELETE is best for scenarios that require precision and the possibility of rollback, while TRUNCATE is the go-to for fast, whole-table deletions without the need for transactional control.

Understanding these differences is not just about choosing the right tool for the job; it’s about writing responsible SQL that maintains data integrity, adheres to constraints, and delivers performance.

Database administrators and developers should carefully choose between DELETE and TRUNCATE to ensure that their data management practices are both efficient and appropriate for the task at hand.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on Difference between delete and truncate
Which SQL command is considered a DML command?
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