Daily Use English words

by Yogi P - October 3, 2023

Learning of Daily Use English Words

The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is important to have a good command of it in order to succeed in both academic and professional settings. One of the best ways to improve your English skills is to learn and use daily use English words.

Benefits of Learning Daily Use English Words:

Solid vocabulary in English is very helpful, both for kids and adults. It helps to improve communication skills in talking, listening, reading, and writing better. It’s important for school, work, and just getting information. Learning new words lets you understand and learn about the world more.

There are many benefits to learning and using daily use English words. Here are a few:

  • Improved communication skills: Learning daily use English words will help you to communicate more effectively in both written and spoken form.
  • Expanded vocabulary: Learning daily use English words will expand your vocabulary and make you a more well-rounded English speaker.
  • Greater access to information: Learning daily use English words will give you greater access to information and knowledge, as many resources are only available in English.
    Increased confidence: Learning daily use English words will increase your confidence in your ability to use the English language.

Tips to Learn Daily Use English Words

There are many ways to learn daily use English words. Here are a few tips:

  • Read English books and articles: Reading English books and articles is a great way to expose yourself to new vocabulary words. Pay attention to the words that you do not know and look them up in a dictionary.
  • Watch English movies and TV shows: Watching English movies and TV shows is another great way to learn new vocabulary words. Listen to the dialogue carefully and pay attention to the context in which the words are used.
  • Listen to English music: Listening to English music is a fun and enjoyable way to learn new vocabulary words. Pay attention to the lyrics and try to identify the new words.
  • Use a flashcard app: There are many flashcard apps available that can help you to learn new vocabulary words. These apps are typically easy to use and can be a great way to learn new words on the go.

Learning daily use English words is an important part of improving your English skills. By following the tips above, you can learn new vocabulary words and improve your communication skills, expand your vocabulary, gain greater access to information, and increase your confidence.

Learning daily use English words is an investment in your future. It will help you to succeed in both your academic and professional life.

English is filled with many words, but you don’t have to learn them all at once. For starters, here’s a list of commonly use English words with their meanings. By learning these, you’re taking a great step towards improving your English.

Daily Use English Words with meanings

Word Word Meaning
Accomplish To successfully achieve or complete a task or goal.
Attain To succeed in reaching a particular goal or standard, often after much effort.
Adapt To adjust or modify something to suit a new condition or environment.
Affordable Priced in a way that it can be bought without straining one’s finances.
Accompany To join someone and go somewhere together; to be present with.
Analyse To study something in a detailed way to understand its nature or determine its essential features.
Admire To regard something or someone with respect or warm approval due to its/their qualities.
Associate To connect or bring things together in one’s mind, or to have a relationship with someone or something.
Artificial Made or produced by humans, often as a copy of something natural.
Apparently As far as one can know, understand, or tell.
Beside Positioned next to or at the side of someone or something.
Balance The state of having weight or elements distributed evenly to keep something stable.
Benefit A positive outcome, advantage, or profit one receives from something.
Boundary A clear line or limit that signifies the edge or end of one area and the beginning of another.
Borrow To take something from someone with the intent to return it after temporary use.
Better Superior in quality or value; more excellent.
Babysitting The act of taking care of children while their guardians are temporarily away.
Backup A reserve or substitute available for use when the primary option fails.
Backdrop A setting or background against which events unfold or against which something is viewed.
Bucketlist A list of things a person wishes to accomplish or experience before they die.
Charge To demand payment for goods or services; or to store electrical energy.
Categorise To sort or arrange items into classes or categories based on shared characteristics.
Calculate To determine the value or amount of something using mathematics.
Conclusion The final point or end of an event or process; a reasoned decision or judgment.
Contrast A noticeable difference between things when compared side by side.
Collide To come into forceful contact with another object, typically suggesting a violent or unintentional encounter.
Confuse To make someone uncertain or unclear about something; to bewilder.
Cordially Acting in a sincere and warm manner, usually in greetings or receptions.
Chase The act of pursuing someone or something in order to catch or retrieve it.
Cast To throw or fling something, or to assign someone to a specific role in a play or movie.
Conference A formal gathering or meeting of people to discuss a specific topic or set of topics.
Challenge A demanding task or situation that tests one’s abilities.
Dare To have the courage or boldness to do something, often challenging someone else to do the same.
Delete To remove or erase, especially a piece of data or information from a computer or system.
Defend To resist harm or danger; to support or justify a particular position or argument.
Detect To discover or identify the presence or existence of something, especially with tools or equipment.
Detach To separate or remove from something larger; to disconnect.
Destroy To damage something so badly that it cannot be repaired; to completely eliminate.
Differentiate To identify the differences between two or more things.
Distinguish To recognize or point out a difference; to discern as distinct or different.
Efficient The ability to do tasks with the least waste of time and effort; being effective and productive.
Effective Able to accomplish a purpose; functioning in the intended manner.
Enormous Very large in size, extent, or quantity.
Evidence Information that gives a reason to believe something or proves something.
Eliminate To completely remove or get rid of, often from a list or group.
Engagement A prior arrangement or commitment to do something; also refers to a promise to marry.
Elementary Relating to the basic and fundamental aspects of a subject or skill.
Enigmatic Mysterious or puzzling; hard to explain or understand.
Friction The resistance that occurs when one object moves over another; can also refer to conflict or disagreement between people.
Fraction A numerical representation that indicates a part of a whole, typically using a numerator and denominator.
Function The role or action that something is designed to perform; can also refer to social or official gatherings.
Fund A sum of money set aside for a particular purpose, such as savings, investments, or charitable endeavors.
Frequent Occurring or done often and regularly; common.
Fable A brief fictional story, usually with animals as characters, that teaches a moral lesson.
Fabulous Extremely good or impressive; often used to express something that’s extraordinary.
Fantastic Exceptionally good; also can mean based on fantasy rather than reality.
Foreign Belonging to, originating from, or characteristic of a country or language other than one’s own.
General Involving or relating to most or all people, things, or places, especially as opposed to something specific.
Generous Showing a willingness to give more of something, especially money, than is expected or necessary.
Gratitude A feeling of thankfulness or appreciation for a benefit or kindness received.
Grateful Feeling or expressing gratitude; thankful.
Genetic Relating to genes or the hereditary material in a cell.
Gigantic Very large; enormous, often used to emphasize the large size of something compared to others of its kind.
Gaze To look steadily and intently at something, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
Game An activity that one engages in for amusement or fun, often following a set of rules.
Gorgeous Extremely beautiful or attractive.
Genre A category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
Hurry To move or act quickly or more quickly than normal.
Holy Related to or associated with a divine power; sacred.
Hallucination A perception of something that is not present, often resulting from a mental disorder or the effects of a drug.
Heavenly Of or relating to the sky or heavens; also, delightful or exquisite.
Harmony The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes that produce a pleasing effect; also refers to peace and agreement.
Hilarious Extremely funny, causing laughter.
Heartfelt Showing deep and genuine feeling; sincere.
Harvest The process or period of gathering crops; also refers to the yield of crops in a season.
Humanitarian Related to or showing concern for improving the welfare and happiness of people.
Highlight The best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something.
Illuminate To light up or make clear, often used metaphorically to describe the action of making something understandable.
Illustrate To clarify by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
Imagination The ability to create, form, or think of new ideas or images in one’s mind.
Inferior Lower in quality, value, or importance than something else.
Impactful Having a significant effect or influence on something or someone.
Interior The inner or indoor part of something, especially a building; relating to the inside.
Improper Not following established rules, customs, or morals; not suitable or appropriate.
Impossible Not able to happen or be done, regardless of effort or potential means.
Invisible Unable to be seen; not visible to the naked eye.
Incentive Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
Iconic Widely recognized and well-established; revered for distinctive excellence.
Jolly Cheerful and lively.
Justice The fair and moral treatment in accordance to the law; righteousness.
Judicial Relating to the courts, judges, or their judgments or decisions.
Judgement The ability to make sensible decisions after considering the relevant details; a decision given by a court.
Junior Younger; subordinate. Referring to someone who is younger in age or has less experience or rank than another.
Knowledge Information, understanding, or skill that one gets from experience or education.
Kind Friendly, generous, and considerate; showing sympathy or understanding.
Keen Sharp or penetrating; showing a quick and ardent responsiveness or enthusiasm.
Keep To have or retain possession of something; to continue or persist in an action, condition, or state.
Optimistic Having a positive outlook on future events or outcomes, believing in the best possible result or emphasizing the positive aspects.
Optional Not mandatory or necessary; left to individual choice or preference.
Objective A specific result or outcome that a person or system aims to achieve; or unbiased and not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
Ordinary Lacking special or distinctive features; common and not exceptional in nature.
Opportunity A favorable set of circumstances that allows for a particular action or achievement; a chance to progress or advance.
Practical Relating to real-world application rather than theoretical considerations; useful and sensible.
Publish The act of producing and distributing literature, music, or information to the public, making it widely accessible.
Permit An official document or approval granting permission; or the act of allowing something to happen.
Ultimately In the end or final result, after all events or actions have been considered; eventually.
Victory The act of winning or triumphing over an adversary or obstacle, especially in battles, competitions, or sports.
Visionary Someone who thinks about or plans for the future with imagination or wisdom, often having ideas that are ahead of their time.
Viable Capable of working successfully; feasible. Something that is practical and can be accomplished within the given constraints.
Validate To confirm or establish the legitimacy or worthiness of something, often by external approval or verification.
Vulnerable Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
Wander To walk or move in a leisurely or aimless manner; or to think or ponder without a clear purpose or direction.
Wisdom The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience.
Xenial Relating to the giving of gifts to guests; or friendly relations between host and guest.
Yield To produce or give way to something as a result of a natural process, or to surrender or submit in response to pressure.
Zeal Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective; passionate eagerness in any endeavor.
Zealous Having or showing passion, dedication, or fervor for a person, cause, or activity.

Examples of the common words used in English. By learning the meanings of these words and how to use them correctly, you can improve your communication skills and better understand the world around you.

Word Meaning Usage
Change the alteration of something The world is constantly changing.
Community a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common I am proud to be a part of this community.
Death the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism The death of his loved one was a devastating blow.
Equality the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities Everyone deserves to be treated equally.
Faith complete trust or confidence in someone or something I have faith in my friends and family.
Freedom the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants We all have the freedom of speech.
Growth the process of increasing in size or strength I am witnessing my child’s growth and development every day.
Happiness a state of well-being and contentment I feel happy when I spend time with my family and friends.
Heart a muscular organ in the chest of humans and other vertebrates that pumps blood through the circulatory system He has a big heart and is always willing to help others.
Hope a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen I have hope that the world will become a better place.
Justice the quality of being fair and unbiased It is important to uphold justice in society.
Knowledge understanding, comprehension The science professor has a great deal of knowledge in his subject.
Learning the acquisition of knowledge or skills Learning is a lifelong process.
Life the condition that distinguishes physical entities that have biological processes from those that do not I am grateful for the gift of life.
Love a strong feeling of affection and care for another person I love my parents very much.
Mind the element of a person that enables them to think, feel, and perceive The human mind is a complex and fascinating thing.
Peace a state of tranquility or quiet The world needs more peace.
Relationship a state of being connected or linked together I have strong relationships with my family and friends.
Respect a feeling of admiration or deference for another person We should respect our elders.
Responsibility the state of being responsible for something We all have a responsibility to take care of our planet.
Soul the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal I believe that every person has a unique and precious soul.
Spirit the non-physical part of a person that is the seat of the emotions and character She has a positive and uplifting spirit.
Time the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole Time is a precious resource.
Truth that which is in accordance with reality It is important to tell the truth.
Universe the totality of all existence, including all matter and energy The universe is a vast and mysterious place.
World the earth and all of its inhabitants We need to protect our world for future generations.

850+ words for daily use

Word Word Word Word
apple aside awake award
back bad bag ball
banana band bank bar
base bat bath bear
beat beauty bed beef
before begin behind bell
below best better between
bird birthday bit bite
black blame blanket blue
board boat body book
border bottle bottom box
boy brain branch bread
break breath bridge bright
bring broad broke brother
brown build burn bus
business busy butter button
buy by cake call
camera camp can candle
candy cap car card
care careful carry case
cat catch cause cell
center chair chance change
cheap check cheese chicken
child choice choose church
circle city class clean
clear close cloth clothes
cloud coffee cold collect
color column come comfort
common company compare compete
complete concern condition connect
consider contain continue control
cook cool corner correct
cost could count country
couple course cover cow
create cross crowd cry
culture cup current cut
dance danger dark date
day dead deal dear
death decide deep deer
degree delay deliver demand
describe desert design desk
detail develop device die
difference difficult dinner direction
direct discover discuss distance
distinct divide doctor dog
door double doubt down
draw dream dress drink
drive drop dry due
during each ear early
earth ease east easy
eat edge education effect
effort egg either electric
else emotion employee end
energy enjoy enough enter
entire environment equal especially
establish evening event ever
every exact example except
exchange exist expect experience
expert explain express eye
face fact fail fair
fall family far fast
father fear feel female
few field fight figure
fill film final find
fine finger finish fire
firm first fish fit
five flat floor flow
fly focus follow food
foot for force foreign
forest forget form forward
four free friend from
front fruit full fun
function game garden general
generate get girl give
glass go goal gold
good government grain grand
grass great green ground
group grow guard guess
guide gun hair half
hand handle hang happen
happy hard harm hat
hate have head health
hear heart heat heavy
help here high hill
history hit hold hole
holiday home hope horse
hospital hot hotel hour
house how however huge
human hundred hungry hunt
hurry hurt husband idea
identify if imagine impact
important improve in include
increase indeed indicate industry
inform inside instead instrument
insurance interest into introduce
invent invest invite involve
iron island issue it
item job join journey
judge jump just keep
key kid kill kind
king kitchen knee know
label lack lady lake
land language large last
late laugh law lay
lead learn least leave
left leg legal lemon
lend length less let
letter level library lie
life lift light like
limit line link lip
list listen little live
local lock long look
lose loss lot love
low luck lunch machine
main major make man
manage many map mark
market marry match material
matter maybe mean measure
meat media medicine meet
member memory mention message
method middle might mile
milk million mind mine
minister minute miss mistake
mix model modern moment
money month more morning
most mother mountain mouth
move movie much music
must name national natural
nature near necessary neck
need network never new
news newspaper next nice
night nine no none
nor north not note
nothing notice now number
occur ocean of off
offer office officer official
often old on once
only open operation opportunity
option or order organization
other our out outside
over own owner page
pain painting pair parent
park part particular partner
party pass past patient
pattern pay peace people
per perform performance perhaps
period person personal pet
phone physical pick picture
piece place plan plant
play player PM point
police policy political poor
popular position positive possible
power practice prepare present
president pressure pretty prevent
price primary prime principle
print private probably problem
process produce product production
professional professor program project
property protect prove provide
public pull purpose push
put quality question quick
quickly quiet quite race
radio raise range rate
rather reach read ready
real reality realize really
reason receive recent recently
recognize record red reduce
reflect region relate relationship
religious remain remember remove
report represent Republican require
research resource respond response
responsibility rest result return
reveal rich right rise
role room rule run
safe same save say
scene school science scientist
score sea season seat
second section security see
seek seem select sell
send senior sense series
serious serve service set
seven several shape share
she short should show
side sign significant similar
simple simply since sing
single sister sit site
situation six size skill
skin small smile so
social society soldier some
someone something sometimes son
song soon sort sound
source south space speak
special specific speech spend
standard stand star start
state statement station stay
step still stock stop
store story strategy street
strong structure student study
subject success successful such
suddenly suffer suggest summer
support sure surface system
table take talk task
tax teach teacher team
technology tell ten tend
term test than thank
that their them themselves
then theory there these
think third this those
though thought thousand threat
three through throughout throw
thus time to today
together tonight too top
total tough toward town
treat treatment tree trial
trip trouble true truth
try turn TV two
type under understand unit
until up upon us
use usually value various
very victim view violence
visit voice vote wait
walk wall want war
watch water way we
weapon wear week weight
well west western what
whatever when where whether
which while white who
whole whom whose why
wide wife will win
window wish with within
without woman wonder word
work worker world worry
would write writer wrong
yard yeah year yes
yet you young your
yourself youth zone

FAQs on Daily Used English Words

Q1. What are daily used English words?

Daily used English words are common terms frequently utilized in spoken and written English. They form the core vocabulary of everyday communication and include words like “hello,” “thank,” “yes,” “no,” “please,” and “good.”

Q2. Why is it important to know daily used English words?

Knowing daily used English words is essential for effective communication, especially for non-native speakers. These words form the basis of day-to-day interactions, and having a grasp on them can help in understanding and participating in conversations, reading, and writing in English.

Q3. How can I incorporate these daily used words into my vocabulary?

Incorporating daily used words into your vocabulary can be achieved by:

  • Engaging in regular conversations in English.
  • Reading books, newspapers, or articles in English.
  • Watching English movies or TV shows with subtitles.
  • Using language learning apps or flashcards.
  • Keeping a diary or journal in English.

Q4. Are daily used English words different from slang or colloquial terms?

Yes, daily used English words are general terms commonly understood by most English speakers. In contrast, slang or colloquial terms are informal words or expressions that may be specific to a region, age group, or subculture. While they might be used daily by certain groups, they might not be universally understood.

Q5. How many daily used English words should I know to converse fluently?

Fluency doesn’t necessarily mean knowing all the words in a language. However, it’s believed that understanding around 2,000 to 3,000 words can allow you to comprehend around 90% of everyday spoken language. Nevertheless, achieving fluency also depends on one’s grammar, pronunciation, and the ability to understand and convey complex concepts.

Multiple Choice Questions on Daily Used English Words

Q1. Which of the following is NOT considered a daily used English word?

  • a) Hello
  • b) Thanks
  • c) Gobbledegook
  • d) Please

Answer: c) Gobbledegook

Q2. How can daily used English words be best described?

  • a) Formal words used in academic papers
  • b) Words used in legal documents
  • c) Common terms frequently utilized in spoken and written English
  • d) Specialized terms known to specific professions

Answer: c) Common terms frequently utilized in spoken and written English

Q3. Which activity can help incorporate daily used words into one’s vocabulary?

  • a) Avoiding English conversations
  • b) Watching movies in a foreign language without subtitles
  • c) Using language learning apps or flashcards
  • d) Ignoring English reading materials

Answer: c) Using language learning apps or flashcards

Q4. What differentiates daily used English words from slang?

  • a) Daily used words are always informal
  • b) Slang words are universally understood
  • c) Daily used words form the core of everyday communication
  • d) Slang is used more frequently than daily words

Answer: c) Daily used words form the core of everyday communication

Q5. Why are daily used English words important for non-native speakers?

  • a) To understand scientific literature
  • b) For effective everyday communication
  • c) To create complex poetry
  • d) To understand ancient scripts

Answer: b) For effective everyday communication

Q6. Approximately how many daily use English words are believed to be sufficient for understanding most everyday conversations?

  • a) 100-500
  • b) 500-1000
  • c) 2000-3000
  • d) More than 10,000

Answer: c) 2000-3000

Q7. Which of the following is a common daily use English word?

  • a) Nebulous
  • b) Yes
  • c) Juxtapose
  • d) Enigma

Answer: b) Yes

Q8. Which method is NOT effective for learning daily use English words?

  • a) Reading English newspapers
  • b) Engaging in regular English conversations
  • c) Isolating oneself from English speakers
  • d) Watching English TV shows

Answer: c) Isolating oneself from English speakers

Q9. Daily used English words are typically:

  • a) Specific to certain age groups
  • b) Informal and not understood universally
  • c) Specific to a region or subculture
  • d) Commonly understood by most English speakers

Answer: d) Commonly understood by most English speakers

Q10. Which statement is true about daily used English words?

  • a) They are always complex and hard to understand
  • b) They are the same as slang words
  • c) They are essential for effective communication
  • d) They are rarely used in everyday interactions

Answer: c) They are essential for effective communication.

Take this QUIZ and test your Knowledge on Daily Use English words
Which of the following is NOT considered a daily use English word?
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